6th-8th Grade Art

Lesson 2

Week of April 13th, 2020

I enjoyed seeing so many photos last week!  I look forward to hopefully seeing more this week!

For this weeks assignment:

  1. Think about this statement…”Art frequently reflects our current interests and concerns, as well as changing times.”

I don’t know about you, but I’ve found that in these changing times, my interests are still the same in many ways, yet I’ve also been developing or revisiting some new or forgotten interests in the last several weeks as I’ve spent so much time at home with my family.  For example - I’ve been baking and cooking with my family much more than we normally would, and I’ve enjoyed it so much! I’ve also really enjoyed just being outside in our yard. On the flip side, I’ve found that if I’m not careful, some of my concerns during this time can be a little overwhelming, so I’m trying to find ways to manage those concerns in a healthy manner.  I think it’s important to note here that our concerns are as much a part of who we are as our interests! 

  1. Using your phone, I want you to take a photograph - or photographs (remember to think about angles, good composition, lighting, and so on) of either some of the interests that you are pursuing during this time of change, or perhaps a photograph showing something that concerns you.

  2. If you have the chance, e-mail me your photos or upload to google classroom - I look forward to seeing what you’ve created!